SPP holds Public Open Day event on minors’ protection

en.spp.gov.cn| May 31, 2024


On May 31, on the eve of International Children's Day, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) hosts the 45th Public Open Day event themed "Prosecution and Education Together, Safeguarding Children's Growth", in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

On May 31, on the eve of International Children's Day, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) held the 45th Public Open Day event themed "Prosecution and Education Together, Safeguarding Children's Growth", in collaboration with the Ministry of Education.

Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Prosecutor General of the SPP, and Huai Jinpeng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Education and Minister of Education, attended the event and delivered speeches. They jointly presented legal books to attending student representatives at the event, extending festive greetings to the students.

Tong Jianming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and First Deputy Prosecutor General of the SPP, presided over the welcoming ceremony and delivered a speech.

Addressing the event, Ying pointed out that procuratorial organs will base their functions on prosecution, maintain a stance of zero tolerance towards crimes against minors, and sternly punish offenders according to the law.

They will also adhere to the principles of "education, transformation and redemption" and "education comes first with punishment as a supporting approach", placing high importance on the prevention and control of juvenile delinquency with a view to implementing the concept that "prevention is a kind of protection, and punishment is about redemption", Ying said.

Procuratorial organs have been coordinating with relevant departments to promote the construction of specialized schools, improving the graded intervention system for juvenile offenders, and optimizing the comprehensive performance mechanism in handling cases involving minors, he added.

Ying emphasized that procuratorial organs will enhance collaboration and coordination with educational administration departments, continue to deepen collaborative efforts through initiatives like "Procuratorate-School Cooperation", effectively leverage legal education bases, and implement such programs as prosecutors serving as vice-principals for legal affairs of schools.

In his address at the event, Huai said while planning and implementing new steps toward building a strong nation in education, the education sector must strengthen its awareness and establish sound mechanisms to safeguard the physical and mental health of children to ensure their all-around development.

The education system should fulfill their responsibility and establish the concept of "all-staff, full-process, and comprehensive protection" in effectively honoring the duty of protecting minors in schools, he said.

Every adult in school should enhance their awareness of protecting minors, improve their ability to protect minors, and educate and guide children on self-protection, Huai said.

It is essential to safeguard all the fundamental rights of minors, comprehensively enhance various management systems and work mechanisms, construct a protection system, and improve the quality and effectiveness of schools' protection of minors, he added.

Huai underlined the need to take legal education as a key strategy to educate children to respect rules and the law.

He called for strengthening collaborative support and close cooperation with procuratorates, courts, departments of public security, justice, civil affairs and publicity, promoting social organizations and professional institutions to provide specialized services to schools, effectively integrating various resources centered on the growth and development needs of students, and consolidating efforts for the protection of minors in schools.

In his address, Tong said that the 2020 amendments to the Law on the Protection of Minors and the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency comprehensively and systematically regulate the work of the "six major minor protections" of families, schools, society, the internet, the government and the judiciary, assigning greater responsibilities to procuratorial organs.

He said that in recent years, the SPP has deepened cooperation with the Ministry of Education, other relevant departments and various sectors of society in terms of the protection of minors.

Procuratorial organs will further implement the two laws, continuously strengthen and improve their work in handling juvenile cases, and consistently enhance practical cooperation with education departments and other stakeholders, Tong added.


Representatives of teachers, students, and parents from Beijing No 4 High School, Beijing Yucai School and Beijing No 166 High School participate in the Public Open Day event.


Students from Beijing Yucai School perform a skit on the theme of eliminating campus bullying.




Three prosecutors tell stories of the rule of law during the event.


A student tells a story of how children learn to respect, study, abide by and use the law to protect themselves.

Xu Xiao, an executive member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC), and Gong Ming, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Prosecutor General of the SPP, also attended the Public Open Day event.

A number of deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and experts and scholars in the field of minor protection attended the event.

Those in attendance of the event included officials from various central Party and State institutions, such as the Social Work Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council, the SPP and the Ministry of Education.

Leaders from the Central Committee of the CYLC, the All-China Women's Federation, and the National Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth, as well as representatives of teachers, students and parents, also participated in the event.

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