
Ying Yong attends the 5th Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Services of the BRICS Countries via video and delivers opening remarks and keynote speech

en.spp.gov.cn| November 16, 2023

Deepening law enforcement and judicial cooperation

working together to combat transnational crimes,

and jointly shouldering the prosecutorial responsibilities of safeguarding national interests and the well-being of the people


The 5th Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Services of the BRICS Countries is held via video on Nov 16.


The 5th Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Services of the BRICS Countries is held via video on Nov 16.


Ying Yong, Chief Grand Prosecutor and Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China attends the meeting via video in Beijing. He mades remarks at the opening ceremony and gives a keynote speech during the session.

On Nov 16, the 5th Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Services of the BRICS Countries was held via video.

The meeting, hosted by the National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa, focused on "strengthening international cooperation to combat complex transnational crimes, with a focus on asset recovery".

Ying Yong, Chief Grand Prosecutor and Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate of the People's Republic of China attended the meeting via video in Beijing. He made remarks at the opening ceremony and gave a keynote speech during the session, saying that combating transnational crimes and promoting security and development is a common responsibility of prosecutorial organs in all countries, and those offices in China are willing to deepen law enforcement and judicial cooperation, join hands in combating transnational crimes, strengthen exchange of experiences, and shoulder the prosecutorial responsibility of safeguarding national interests and peoples' well-being together with the corresponding organs of other countries.

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Ying said that as representatives of emerging market countries and developing countries, the BRICS countries are an important force in shaping the international landscape, and the Meeting of the Heads of Prosecution Services is an important professional mechanism under the BRICS framework.

Ying said that the prosecution organs of each country have always upheld the BRICS spirit featuring openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation, conscientiously implemented the consensus of the leaders of each country, and focused on themes such as combating corruption, cyber crime, environmental crime, information network crime, and economic crime, and have conducted pragmatic cooperation. He added that they have played an increasingly important role in strengthening the rule of law construction of each country, promoting common development and prosperity, and building a just international order.

China's prosecution organs are willing to share experiences and enhance understanding with those of other countries, share resources and deepen cooperation and jointly combat complex transnational crimes with greater strength to create a better legal environment for high-quality development in all countries, according to Ying.

In his keynote speech, Ying emphasized the importance of combating transnational crime and recovering illegal assets. He said that Chinese procuratorial organs are responsible for preventing and prosecuting various types of transnational crimes, such as those related to border management, drugs, and money laundering, and actively participate in national operations to combat the transfer of illicit funds and issue recommendations to prevent similar crimes. They actively promote international cooperation in the fields of transnational crime, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and cross-border asset recovery.

"Jointly combating complex transnational crimes and strengthening asset recovery efforts has become an important consensus in the international community," said Ying. He expressed that the Chinese procuratorial organs are willing to actively promote the following three aspects of work with those of other countries.

First, based on the existing cooperation mechanisms, they will deepen collaboration in areas such as case consultations, investigation and evidence collection, information exchange, mutual legal assistance, and judicial recognition. Second, they will strictly comply with domestic laws and regulations of BRICS countries and international commitments to mutually support the investigation, seizure, confiscation, prosecution, and recovery of illegal proceeds to jointly combat transnational movements of illegal assets and criminal activities. Third, they will strengthen efforts in the exchange of law enforcement and judicial personnel, learning and training, professional discussion, case consultation, and sharing of legal documents and literature, and to jointly enhance professional proficiency in law enforcement and the judiciary.

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